The Zuckerberg House

The Glass Room Berlin / New York / London

A few years after declaring that the age of privacy was over, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg bought the four properties surrounding his Palo Alto estate at the cost of 40 million dollars. For a man who appears not to value privacy, this move revealed that in fact the cost can be quite high. Of course, the contracted crafts­men had to sign a confidentiality agreement beforehand too.

The design of “The Zuckerberg House” is based on images and maps publicly available on the internet. A glass dome represents the private bubble in which the Facebook founder resides, while most people lack the financial means to protect themselves against indiscreet glances from the outside.

  • concept for the exhibition object
  • preparation of the data for the 3D model and design of the contextualising graphics
  • supervision of all production steps

Tactical Tech (data, concept)
Daniel Theis (3D model, 3D print)