Latin America in post-factual times
The undisguised desire for power of politicians in Latin America goes hand in hand with disinformation and fake news. The latter are not only used strategically to win supporters, but also to manipulate the population, sow mistrust, exclude, polarise and sectorise.
New media play a crucial role in the (dis-)information process. Many citizens pass on deliberately scattered misinformation without reflecting on it, and emotionally triggering information can spread particularly fast.
For the publication “Lies, Hate and Disinformation. Latin America in post-factual Times” [of the series Perspectivas Latin America of the Heinrich Böll Foundation], La Loma produced six illustrations. The handmade scenarios made of thread and paper offer a perspective on the topics of the publication. In addition, the picture series is an independent contribution to the spread of misinformation in a socially fragmented society.