Google and You

The Glass Room San Francisco

Even those who do not have a Google account will find it hard to escape the enormous reach of the corporation, which ranges from fitness apps to orientation in town and country, to online banking. Anyone who “googles” is part of a global movement: 92.4 % of the 4.3 billion internet users consult Google Search.

Visitors to the Glass Room can use “Google and You” to interactively create their own profile and be astonished to learn how many of the free services they use on a daily basis belong to Google. They can choose from its 9 most successful products, and 280 others. An accompanying graphic reveals how Google searches affect the advertising that is shown, which in turn steadily increases the company’s profits.

  • concept of the interactive exhibition object
  • creation of a Fibonacci pattern to represent the number of users in levels
  • design of the individual pattern levels so that interaction always creates new overlays and
    thus profiles
  • preparation and supervision of all the data for the production

Tactical Tech (data, concept)