Looking into your online life
Data makes life easier! Websites, apps, social media and networked home appliances are more convenient to use after they have collected the data of their owners. But what happens to the information once it is in the hands of corporations that earn billions from it? And who is the owner of the data then? La Loma’s artworks arranged on tables in “The Glass Room” deal with these questions and others. They raise awareness about the technologies that surround us on a daily basis that most of us hardly ever worry about. The first exhibition took place in Berlin in 2016 under the guise of a modern high-tech store and so far it has been followed by Glass Rooms in New York, London and San Francisco.
Anyone who enters a Glass Room may initially be surprised not to find the latest technology for sale, but then they discover the truth about their data, coveted devices and platforms. With partly interactive artworks, La Loma invites visitors to have a provocative yet playful encounter with this topic. On the one hand, the visualisations get to the heart of how we deal with data; on the other hand, they offer practicable solutions.
The Data Detox Kit invites visitors to reflect on their own behaviour as users and to deal with data in a self-determined way. The artworks in the Glass Rooms are continuously updated in terms of content and presentation, individually adapted to the different exhibition venues and accompanied by lectures, workshops and guided tours.